Darkmarket Forensics

Overlay networks (like Tor or I2P) create a suitable environment for criminality to thrive on the Internet. Dark marketplaces (a.k.a. cryptomarkets) are one such example of criminal activities. They act as an intermediary in the trade of illegal goods and services. This project focuses on forensic analysis of such web services and subsequent extraction of non-trivial information about the realised orders and payments from selected marketplaces. The main goal is to pinpoint the time interval when an order has been completed on selected marketplaces and its following correlation with cryptocurrency blockchains. The implemented program provides fully automated non-stop monitoring of selected cryptomarkets. That, under certain conditions, allows detection of realised purchases, detailed product and vendor monitoring and collection of various meta-data entries. Law enforcement agencies can use acquired data as support evidence regarding the operation of selected cryptomarkets and their vendors. The acquired information can also indicate current trends in products supply and demand.

Welcome and good day to you, dear visitor! This website aims to provide an up-to-date list of all the public support resources for the Darkmarket Forensics article at Excel@FIT 2021 student conference.

  • format_quote Article

    Read the actual article published at the student conference.

  • present_to_all Presentation

    Check out the PDF presentation of the article.

  • developer_board Graylog Application Metrics

    View a dashboard with several real-time application statistics directly from internal log reporting in pre-prepared dashboard views.

  • insert_chart Grafana Application Metrics

    Take a look at various application metrics from a 6-hour database snapshot. The dashboard also contains some long-term aggregate data — more information directly in the dashboard.

  • insert_chart Grafana Data Statistics

    Take a look at various purchase-focused aggregated statistics from a 7-day database snapshot. More information directly in the dashboard.

  • mic Dark Web Podcast

    Listen to a short Technicky vzato BUT podcast episode on the topic of Dark Web featuring the article's author. Only available in Czech language.

  • play_arrow Demonstration Video

    Watch a short video showing and describing current monitoring deployment and some of the results achieved so far.
